

Setting up a webhook for integration with allows your API to receive real-time updates, ensuring instant response to user actions. This guide will walk you through the steps to create and configure a webhook. Following these guidelines will help ensure your app or website runs smoothly and efficiently.


Quick Alerts

Quick Alerts

Receive notifications about issues instantly and without delays.

Ease of use

Ease of use

Incident messages will be sent to your webhook immediately.

Flexible setup

Flexible setup

Select which events require notifications: failures, status changes, or updates.

Easy integration

Easy integration

It only takes a few minutes, a bot access key and a few clicks to set up.

Hoe werkt het?

Onze service is ontworpen om u te helpen de prestaties van uw websites en servers te monitoren. Door monitoren in te stellen, kunt u directe meldingen ontvangen wanneer er problemen optreden, waardoor u deze snel en efficiënt kunt oplossen.
Sluit vandaag nog Webhook aan en zorg voor een betrouwbaar communicatiekanaal om problemen snel op te lossen. 🚀

Stapsgewijze instructies voor het instellen van de integratie van Webhook


Access Your Workspace

  • Go to your dashboard and log in to your workspace.
  • Open the Integrations tab in the menu.
Access Your Workspace

Select Webhook Integration

  • From the available integrations, find and select Webhook.
Select Webhook Integration

Check the result

  • Go to the monitoring control panel.
  • Click the "Add monitor" button.
  • Specify the URL of the site you want to monitor.
  • In the response section, specify a deliberately incorrect error code, for example 300
  • Within 30 seconds you will receive a response to your webhook.

Integratie was succesvol 🎉

U ontvangt nu directe meldingen over alle incidenten en updates van de status van uw werkruimte rechtstreeks in Webhook. 🚀